TDC Update


Our Mission at TDC is to develop all commercial opportunities on behalf of the clan members throughout the Region to advance our key aims of providing local jobs for local people and, in the long term, ensuring every child has a chance of a full life.

Kigay Lurruthngala (Strong Young Men)

The Youth Diversion and Early Intervention Teams have been doing a wide range of activities including gardening, making vegetable gardens for local people in the community and encouraging people to grow their own vegetables and fruits.

They have been welding and building their skills making BBQ’s and tables down at the Resource Centre a couple of times a week.

The boys do sport (football and basketball) twice a week and have been getting really good numbers. They will be having their first scratch match next week. Along with all the usual stuff of weekly gym sessions and yard maintenance, everyone is keeping very busy, practicing healthy living and learning new skills. There are basketball games down at the court every Wednesday night at 5PM and everybody is welcome to come along and have a go.

The Strong Young men have also been doing weekly cooking classes and now Norman and a few of the early intervention boys have started a pizza business running twice a week from 6-9:30pm. Tom Crawley has been assisting them for the last two weeks and will continue to help until they get a good grasp on how to handle the money and allocate it for the costs of ingredients etc.

The team will be doing an excavator course that will be running from the 21st-23rd November, which they will use to build and maintain the mountain bike tracks.

Four of the early intervention crew have started full-time work in the community, two at 100-man camp and two at housing, and one of the youth diversion boys will be starting work soon.

Reports from their new bosses are that they are some of the best workers they’ve had.

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