TDC Update


Our Mission at TDC is to develop all commercial opportunities on behalf of the clan members throughout the Region to advance our key aims of providing local jobs for local people and, in the long term, ensuring every child has a chance of a full life.

Illegal Vessel Makes Landfall

The Rangers got a bit of a surprise when four men in a rustic vessel, made landfall near Wadeye at about 7am on Sunday morning.

Northern Territory Police were notified of the arrival of the men who authorities believe are illegal foreign fishermen.

The men were transported to Darwin, where the Australian Border Force and NT Police worked together to get to the bottom of why they had arrived near Wadeye.

The locals suspect that the boat came in with the strong westerly winds from the Kimberly area, where another big boat with shark fin and sea cucumber was caught by Border Force last month.

The Rangers play an important role in keeping our coastal borders safe. Unauthorised vessels present a biosecurity risk to our unique environment. A big thanks to the Rangers.

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