TDC Update


Our Mission at TDC is to develop all commercial opportunities on behalf of the clan members throughout the Region to advance our key aims of providing local jobs for local people and, in the long term, ensuring every child has a chance of a full life.

Darrikardu Art Collective Launch

The Darrikardu Art Collective Website is in its final stages of development and we are excited to announce its launch in the coming weeks.

Darrikardu Art Collective empowers artists in the Thamarrurr region to harness their creative skills for economic benefit. Recognising the challenges many artists face in accessing markets for their work, the Collective provides a platform for artists to showcase and sell their creations, fostering the growth of independent enterprises within their community.

A massive shout out to project coordinator Lisa Buchanan and all the artists and art coordinators who have contributed to this project. The Art Collective project is funded under the CDP Pathways to Employment Trial with investment from NIAA.

You can take a sneak peak at the Darrikardu Art Collective website by visiting

Credit Images Above : Freedom Garvey

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