TDC Update
Our Mission at TDC is to develop all commercial opportunities on behalf of the clan members throughout the Region to advance our key aims of providing local jobs for local people and, in the long term, ensuring every child has a chance of a full life.
ACL Holders Launch Fish Trap Project
The Aboriginal Coastal License (ACL) holders are launching a traditional fish trap project to harvest fish from their sea country. The fish will be supplied to the local community and markets in Darwin.
This initiative aims to create viable and sustainable microbusinesses for ACL holders, reflecting the aspirations of Traditional Owners to work on their country and utilise their natural resources. Three fish traps have been established as part of the trial, and will be operated by the Traditional Owners.
A special thanks to Jonno Jauncey, Donald Bonson, Thomas Bonson and Adrian Marshall for their hard work in making this project a reality!
In addition to promoting local economic development, the project will provide fresh food to the community.