Washing Warriors TDC Orange Sky Partnership

Access to washing machines throughout the Wadeye community has been a reoccurring issue. Households can have up to 15 people which puts excessive pressure on domestic washing machines. Due to logistics and its location, the community has limited options for units. Once the units fail it is not cost-effective to get them serviced or repaired by a technician from Darwin.

This is why T.D.C’s healthy homes team and Orange sky have worked together to bring a mobile washing facility to Wadeye.

This service aims to improve the social and health outcomes for the community of Wadeye. Washing is not merely a chore and is much more than a hygiene solution. It plays an important role in people’s social and physical well-being. It also provides employment opportunities and training opportunities for local people.

Since the September 2021 launch, Wadeye has been one of the most utilised orange sky services across Australia. In under eight months, the local team has provided around 2,148 loads of washing and created space for close to 1,100 hours of genuine connection. It has also provided training and ongoing support for three local staff, 10 rostered volunteers and six weekly shifts.